Add URL - What You Need to Know Before Submitting Your Site to a Directory

Saturday, October 6, 2012
  • Is it a Human Review Directories?
  • What are the Quality Standards?
  • What is the Age of the Directory?
When it comes to directory submissions it is always best to go with a human review directory. Human review directories have more trust with the search engines because of the simple fact that an actual person reviewed the sites listed. It really comes down to decision making. People make better decisions then computers! On top of that many human review directories are sources of information for other directories to reproduce. That means that once your site is listed chances are it will also get found in many other directories over the next few months.
Quality standards are an important factor when it comes to submitting your site. It is extremely important to check the sites in the category you are going to add your URL to. You want to see sites that are on topic and full of useful information with quality products or services. Search engines determine your sites quality by the places it is listed. There is an old saying "Guilty by Association" and that is exactly how search engines decide what sites should be trusted. If a directory accepts just about any site for the money, your site is likely to be associated with less than perfect neighbors. Think of it this way; would you trust someone who is known for being associated with criminals? Probably not and that is exactly how search engines view your site!
Finally the age of the directory reflects how well established and successful it is. Search engines trust older sites a lot more then newer ones. This is nothing new because as people we are more likely to trust an established business over a new one. Older directories have a lot more trust and are likely to have a bigger impact on your sites trust. This is not only true for directories but also any web sites in general. Sites that are older require a lot less marketing to get good results.
My name is David Zielinski and I am a SEO professional. If you looking for a quality directory submission service [] that provides excellent results then visit []


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