The whole search engine industry is play of uncertainty and if you are starting to aim internet web site advertising via URL submission, these are the milestones you need to achieve as your initial footsteps:
1. Page must have unique content.
2. Good URL structure.
3. Good link building. To get Good Page Rank.
As from the above 3 mentioned points 3rd is the most uncertain point & also hard to achieve correctly. As it is very well known that backlinks are your page rank, SEO industry has widen the efforts to get relevant links for sites.
What is BackLink?
In simple words it is a link coming from another website to your website.
If you are not having a good relevant links you may not have a good page rank. You can add your link to various sites to acquire good relevant backlink for web site advertising through below shown mechanism:
1. Add URL to directories.
2. Link Farming.
3. Automatic backlink generation through software.
4. Link accruing via link exchange.
5. Add a link to pixel buying sites or link generation sites.
1st point is good if only if your link is submitted to good directories like Demoz, Yahoo directory. 2nd, 3rd points are just garbage & waste of time as you don't know for how much time your backlink will be alive & also how relevant these links are to you!
So here is the guideline for accruing good backlink so when you add link for web site promotions remember:
1. The link coming to your site has good Page Rank.
2. There should be not more then 100 links on the page from where the backlink is coming.
3. Also the tags in the links coming to your site. If it has given "nofollow" tag inside then it is useless.
4. Your anchor text of link coming to your site.
So it is worth to add your link or buy a link from that site which has a link less then 100 & a good Page Rank.
So if you are thinking for internet advertising web site promotion then choose site which knows importance of web site promotion so that your web site promotion & advertisement can have a real value.
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