Metacrawler is a meta- search engine. This means that it is not a singular search engine that stands on its own. Metacrawler relies on search bots to retrieve information from the major engines to give it pertinent page ranking. What does this mean? It means that to add URL to metacrawler, you're going to need to get your page highly ranked on other search engines.
Meta-search engines are very useful when you need to find information quickly and don't want to rely solely on one engine. Each search engine on the internet has a different method of ranking pages on their search results page. Of course, much of their ranking criteria is similar but there are definitely items which make each search engine unique.
Different filters are used to decide who gets top billing on SERPs. Many times, people pay to have prominent search result placement. These ads to pages are usually referred to as sponsor listings and they appear immediately at the top of the SERP of your engine. Make sure that your site is being placed in the correct categories and you'll have the best results from free listings, as well.
By following these tactics, you should be able to get your site high on the list of the major search results. Metacrawler uses Yahoo, Google, MSN and to pull their data from. This means that if you've got good page rankings with those sites, you're guaranteed to get good rankings with Metacrawler.
Add URL to Metacrawler and make sure that you get the largest captive audience possible with your marketing efforts. Metacrawler continues to win awards each year so you know you're working with an engine that is going to get you more traffic! Use key words intelligently and you'll be seeing an increase in no time
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